WOOPS! The festive season was a bit too hot to handle and I guess blogging took a back seat, but don’t think I didn’t fulfill my challenge – I never pu$$y out, not me!

Day #10 was a Tuesday and my brother had just flown in so it was a no-brainer to chill at Train YAS to offset all the binge eating and drinking. Train YAS is when the Yas Marina Circuit opens up to two wheelers, runners and walkers, made even more special when you’ve just seen F1 cars and their broken off bits flying across that very asphalt during the recent Abu Dhabi GP.

With loud music and stalls too, Train YAS offers such a sick atmosphere during the winter! Hoping to continue Tuesdays like this in 2015.

yas2 yas1Terrible photos included.

And as for Days 11 & 12, surprisingly, I got tagged in a last minute running challenge called the Festive 50. It consisted of completing 50km in 8 days, just in time for New Years Eve! I got tagged on Christmas Eve and although I had already drank and stuffed myself silly by the tree, I found the energy close to midnight to squeeze in the first 5!

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Oh…and I continued running each day after that – one 10K, a couple 8ks, some 5’s and 3’s….and got it done! Yay me!

This challenge was put together by my favourite Dubai fitness man, Coach Tom Woolf, and I’m expecting he’ll have more planned for 2015. Follow him on Facebook!

Oh yeah, HAPPY NEW YEAR B’s!