Me last summer. I might look like Lil Wayne in that second pic but at least I was fit.
I don’t exactly know when it was I got the label ‘super fit’ but I haven’t heard it once in the last year when applied to me which means something changed.
Yes, I got sad over some stuff and I started drinking more – I would even say, to the complete and utter disappointment of my parents, that I’m an alcoholic (my definition being someone who isn’t afraid to knock back more than a few in the middle of the week at home alone while watching True Blood and wake up feeling bloody awful but just in time to act like nothing happened at work).
And everyone knows that with binge drinking comes nasty, late-night eating on top of whatever you have to have to make that hangover go away the next day. So I suppose it all makes sense that not more than three months ago I ‘suddenly’ weighed in at a ridiculous 65kg – this 24-year-old, 1.67-metres tall young woman’s heaviest ever.
But as an ex-anorexic and my newspaper’s senior fitness writer, the occasion has understandably scarred me deep and it is since seeing that number on the scales (and mentally chickening out of my second triathlon in March with a panic attack in the water) that I decided I had to cut the shit and get back to my old naked-hot self.
On this day of writing my first in The Drunk Diet series, I am 62kg (thank fuck!) but my plan is to be brave enough to show you a picture of myself in a bikini again this year and weighing in at no more (but ideally less) than 60kg (you’d be surprised how hard it is to lose 2kg, I’ve been going at it a while).
This will be a documentation of how I get there, but more importantly how I get there without sacrificing my entire social (and anti-social) life or restricting myself in any major way from anything I enjoy.
I got to 62kg in the first place by taking part – although halfheartedly – in Dubai’s The Body Challenge, meaning I couldn’t eat anything but steamed vegetables, grilled chicken, green tea, sugarless oats and eggs for eight weeks and had to work out at least three times a week.
But then I met former Dubai ‘It’ Girl, and Project Runway Season 10 contestant, Buffi Jashanmal (also an ex-anorexic) the other day and she is just incredibly, surprisingly fit and she urged me to cut the restriction crap out and just go about like a smart person – everything in moderation and keeping exercise fun and social (rollerblading, beach volleyball, yoga, tennis, cycling on the Corniche…).
So that’s the plan. Look out for The Drunk Diet once a week from now on, ideally every Thursday…if I’m not drunk or moody, that is…and wish me luck!
Here’s to that (and yes, I’m shamelessly holding up a wine glass).
In Fitness and Health,
Kara (62kg)